22 October 2011

Attempt at a Blank Slate

We've been looking into the next stages of development for our game now. Further conceptions are still undergoing primarily from Artur, while we try to get the game off the ground in UDK. A task I felt like looking into and getting up that we wanted this year, is having a custom User Interface working when you start the game. This in itself also requires the game to have been started from the actual UDK Game, not the Editor as the Editor does not allow a player to change maps, which is actually how the User Interface would work.
This is what I got so far from reading and watching a few tutorials online. With this, I can clearly see now how we would go about adding a custom HUD, but its still a bit less clear how to make this the main menu screen as intended; this will require more research. 

The interface was created in Adobe Flash CS4 using ActionScript 2.0. ActionScript 3.0 is apparently
  not supported yet, but this was not a problem for what I want to do for this. This test contains 1 working button to load a different map when clicked, as well as a custom cursor which can be seen in the top part of the gun here (red arrow).