We needed to really start processing the research we were gathering more efficiently. What we were doing before was to get some images from a book or website or film, then just get an idea, then jot it down on paper or digitally somewhere. However as we started to get so much research into all different things, we began to organise Dropbox more efficiently for us to find what we want when we want it, as well as starting to create "Mood-boards".
Mood-boards are created by us all sitting down together and looking at what research we have that best-shows what we are aiming for overall. These images are then put into one large, screen-resolution effective canvas, and arranged in a clear manner. We can then access these mood-boards whenever we want on the appropriate subjects we want to find ideas and / or information, instead of flicking through folders and folders of research.
You can see how hair styles and make-up are nicely shown here in one image; perfect for reference for female character design.
We can also use mood-boards to show a more specific theme or the work of just one artist at a time, to say "We want to create more ideas closer to that of Cristobal Balenciaga" for example.