9 December 2011

Mechanic Concepts Update

We have been making more concept images that illustrate our game mechanics for our first presentation; the 'Pitch'.

This is the on-screen map HUD that will be activated using the 'M' key on the keyboard. This is only the final scene of the short animatic.

This is the mechanic showing that you can hide in the bushes in the garden, again only showing the last frame of the short animatic.

And lastly, the stealing mechanic, whereby a timer is triggered when the player does so, displayed in the top. Also notice that the HUD displays the warning meter as orange, indicating that what you are doing is suspicious and that people will tell guards if the catch you in this act.

Further concepts are still under-way, as well as the 'Pitch' presentation itself. Thus, blog updates may be slower than usual until the Christmas Holiday starts when we begin production work on the game project.