26 November 2011

Stun mechanic

we did not want our weapons to kill the enemy players. What we required them to do instead was to stun them for a few seconds.

I struggled to work out a method of creating this effect without getting too code heavy (far too complex a sequence for my current knowledge of UScript) so instead I tried to do it in Kismet.

Early tests didn't seem to work with the 'TakeDamage' node not giving any results.

Instead I decided to try what I had used before, comparing Intgers.

This time I had a set value of health I wanted it to compare. This meant that by constantly checking the player's health the game could react if it fell below the default of 100. This would then trigger a different response.

I am concerned however on the drain this will have on a network game. I have asked on the Epic games forums if they could suggest a suitable loop value, but have of yet, not had a response.