This is the initial idea of the "Bush" mechanic, showing how it would react when a player walks into it, and how it would continue to react if a player moves around when inside it. Text also explains that it can be seen by any other player be it another burglar or security guard, giving away your location; these must be used well.
This is the idea of a mechanic that hasn't been implemented yet as it requires a level of some sort first. It is very basic, using a decorational spot-light which will be aimed up the house to dramatically light it as seen in "To Catch A Thief". These lights however, will make it harder for a burglar to sneak across a roof, as he will be visible to anyone outside when he does so. The alcoves on the roof will act as cover for the burglar when up there as a suitable hiding spot, but to move around beyond them the player will have to take a gamble and be aware of his surroundings.