This the map of second floor of our villa. Unlike the first floor, this part of the house does not play representative role. Second floor includes master and guest single and double bedrooms, showers and sauna, reading room, gallery and possibly a painting studio.
Sauna and showers are connected . While each of the rooms has it's separate entrance, there are also doors connecting them. This should provide freedom of movement in many directions. In sauna, there is possibility for the player to adjust the temperature of the room and lock the doors behind him to trap his opponent. Showers can be turned on and off to distract the guards.

Guest rooms are going to be significally less decorated and have less sings of personalisation. However some elements of the environment should provide possibility do hide, escape, set a trap or distract the guard.

Some parts of the house need deeper study, for example master bedroom. Iterations of layout and sketches of possible assets are necessary to achieve optimal form and functionality of the room. Bed in the centre creates another element of distraction and allows player to choose multiple routes of escape. Master bedroom has a connection with an opened balcony. There are four doors leading to the balcony. Player may include this option in his strategy of escape. There is also option to hide under the bed.

Guest rooms are going to be significally less decorated and have less sings of personalisation. However some elements of the environment should provide possibility do hide, escape, set a trap or distract the guard.