24 November 2011

Concepts of main characters- Brigitte

Brigitte is a French girl, member of the cat burglars. Difficult childhood in poor district of Paris, conflicts with parents and school principals, forced her to start new life away from home. As a teenager she started to steal food at the market. One day she was caught and locked at the local police station. Luckily her attempt to steal something to eat had been noticed by local crime boss who bought her out of jail and gave her proper training. From that time Brigitte works for him as a burglar. Do not be fooled by her nice face and faint figure. She knows plenty of tricks and techniques that will force every man down on his knees.

We wanted this character to be typical pretty French girl. Most probably brunette with shorter hair. Because the style of our game aims in realism, we needed real life references to support the design.

Here are some of the references ve have gathered.

The most accourate for our needs seemed to be photos of Marion Cotillard. (Bottom right).

First concept sketches included haircut options.

Next stage was sketching of our character's face.Our choice was at the bottom right.

Next stage of the design consisted of making of full gray scale character with clothing options.

These are only 2 out of 6 option boards. Final look of this character is still uncertain. Further concept work may be necessary. Then the next stage of the developmnent will be: colour options, final painted render and reference boards for Maya.