27 October 2011


One of the "trap" weapons in the game was to set up a Chinese Lantern that is full of explosive gas. The lantern would hover a set height above the ground, held down by a very small weight on the floor, and attacked to a thin piece of string. If a player were to walk into this thin string and didn't see it to avoid it, the string would pull the lantern down and pull the string out of it, causing a reaction within to make a small explosion over the unsuspecting player.

To do this, I modelled a very simple lantern from our rough initial ideas of how it could look, along with a thin piece of string with a bone structure within. The bone structure allows the string to deform, while keeping the lantern and the small weight on the floor in tact.
When brought in, I created a "Physics Asset" for the lantern, which allowed it to "rag-doll" around when clicked and / or dragged. Then a "Physical Material" was created which was allied to the asset which gave it its gravitational information as well as other such attributes like wind resistance, density, and so on.
This is how I made it float like a lantern, and interact as such.
With this testing we began to think that this idea may not be appropriate because it would be so easy to see. We deduced that players would most likely always see it unless it was used behind a doorway for instance, but even then players would catch-on, and look before the run through doorways. A later project update post will say whether or not we keep this.